
Tuesday, 12 July 2011

My Sunday

All photos were taken with my basic Mobile Phone

Browsing through here

Crossing on two of these

Driving on roads like this

Having lunch here

And enjoying views like this

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend
What did you get up to?


  1. By the looks of things yours was a lot more exciting than mine LOL..

  2. Lovely photos - looks like you had a great day.

    DD and family visited; came late Saturday, stayed till late Sunday. It was Younger Grandson's (now two weeks old) first visit to our house. We had a late BBQ lunch which we had to eat in the sun in the garage because of that freezing wind!

  3. Looks like it was a lovely day with beautiful weather. I am catching up after being away for 10 days. We were on the go constantly while in Nepal so now just taking things nice and slow. Outdoors it is 110 and upwards with 70% humidity and dust. Ugh! Hope you are having a good day. Tammy

  4. That really looks like a great day out. We did some driving too, but only to have a look at different kinds of tenttrailers. Still haven't decided. Guess we won't go camping out this summer anymore.

  5. Looks like you had fantastic weather for your great weekend too.
