
Wednesday, 8 June 2011


Hi everyone
I know!
I haven't been around much lately
But I have written the most wonderful posts in my head prior to going to sleep
But in the morning they sound
So I wrote nothing
So please don't expect much from this one

Much the same has been going on with my projects

If you remember my Queen Anne Lace Scarf from back here
Well I finally got to where it down in Tassie (not for warmth though)
And something felt not quite right
Love the pattern
Love the yarn
But still it bothered me
I was not happy with how the colours hid the lacy pattern

So I frogged it!
And turned it into this

Bias Lace Scarf, details here

Now I don't particularly like knitted scarves - they take a while to make
But I wanted to take time with this project and slow down a bit
And I am much happier with the colour flow this time

Did modify the pattern a little cause I was playing around with it - I really wanted some stocking stitch to show off the colours.  But as per usual it curled - and I hate that more
So I ended up with a 4 row pattern instead of 6 rows

The wool is wonderful!!
This is the third project it has been made into and it has held up really well
And this morning I wore it out for the first time
Wonderfully soft and warm

Forgot to mention the wool is Woolganic and was dyed by Evoke

This is not the only project frogged and reworked - more about that later

Confusion in thoughts and actions here   :-)


  1. Isn't it wonderful that we can remake our materials if we are not happy with the finished product?

  2. Nice to hear from you again Maria. Sounds like it is a bit chilly down there this morning.

  3. It must be the season for frogging. I've undone a few things myself lately.
    Your scarf does look very nice. I love the colours :)

  4. Well done Maria it is always a difficult decision whether or not to "frog" but your resulting scarf is really pretty. x

  5. Your scarf is lovely, and I think it's always best to frog and use the yarn for something different if you're not happy........I have has lots of false starts in my knitting over the past week, as I get older decision making seems to become harder, lol.

    lily x

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Maria I think this was a good decision as this scarf works really well and also shows off the various colours of the wool.

  8. Just popping in to say hi to you Maria,
    have a good weekend,
    love suex
