I just want to go back!!!!
I fell in love!!!!
It called to me
I felt completely and utterly "at home"
Ok, so I spent the weekend at Moss Vale in our Southern Highlands
About 2 hour drive from home
Hubby and I have been before
This trip just reconfirmed our love for the area
Our home for the weekend was "Sugar Glider" (a native animal)
more info
here about the property,
but my photos are better
(me with very smug look and probably half closed eyes)
Sugar Glider
The original part of the house (the front) was built c1913
The place is tiny - dining, lounge, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom/laundry
And it was perfect for us!!!!!
The weather was perfect
Yes it was colder than we are use to, but we quickly adapted
Actually I spent Sunday in a singlet top (in the middle of the day) soaking up the sun
We had breakfast out here on Saturday morning
but Sunday and Monday was inside in the sunny dining room cause
we are a bit woosie and loved the warmth inside
Sorry about the blurry photo
It was taken after lunch on Sunday ☺
Saturday morning we went to the local Farmers Market at Moss Vale,
sorry no photos
I was too busy taste testing
Coffee, Jam, Cheese, Bread
they came home with us
but I should have also got some
pumpkin, goats milk soap, chicken, fruit & veg
there was even some beautiful hand-woven alpaca items - so soft
Then we went to Berrima
But that's another story .......
The property is a cattle farm which has these beautiful, friendly, very quiet animals
Angus Cattle
They came up to have a chat
And there were birds !!!!!!!
Hard to get photos
Some were only about a foot flying above my head
And I was too slow to get a photo
Currawongs, Crows, Rosellas, Lorikeets, Willy Wagtails, Finches, Cockatoos
many more that I can't name
so my bird book has come out to identify them
Enough for now
you will be bored and sleepy