
Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Old is New Again

Hi everyone

Well it seems that a couple of you already had the same idea as me and dug out your old patterns.

Pat from Hooks and Books reworked the lovely little Hug Me Tight.  And boy does it look cute!

Jane from Papillion Gold had already beat me to it.  She has a lovely little 'Puss' project which got swamped by the big He-man jumper she made  :-)

Jenny from Justjen has worked a vintage pattern for gloves.  And then worked another beautiful cable pair.

Here is another vintage pattern
Which I think is very cute

Sleeveless Hug-Me-Tight
Details here
From this pattern book

And if you thought I was not crocheting  :-)
Well I have had some granny squares hanging around for mmm..... well a very long time
And I went looking to make something practical with them, just not a blanket, and it would be for a charity
So .....  I loosely used this pattern and got this

Yep, unblocked.  It's an acrylic, so I don't like to touch it too much.  Probably explains why it was sitting there for so long

And to end this post with a weird question - anyone else enjoy 'Wild Boys' last night?
Nice to see "Australian" history for a change

Oh and did I mention Gourmet Farmer Series 2 has started - Thursday nights SBS
Thoroughly enjoyed Series 1.  Missed the first show of Series 2.  But I'm hooked again  :-)

Hope the sun is shining where you are
Unless you would prefer it to rain - gently though please  :-)


  1. You got it. Old is best, it's considered vintage here and vintage is really really in over in the states.

  2. thankyou Maria for your lovely comments:).
    I do like the H.M.T you have knitted It is hard to top the old patterns :))
    Excellent idea for the granny squares they are so versatile.
    Sorry i missed the Wild Boys.. But do enjoy the gourmet farmer :)) Another one I like and will buy the dvd, Cheese Slices..
    Have a great day sunny here but cold :))

  3. My DD was excited to see "Gourmet Farmer" was back and upset that she had missed the first two episodes!

  4. Sleeveless Hug-Me-Tight is just the sweetest little vest. I am glad everyone is picking up on the vintage looks. I am still too busy sewing squares together before I can start any new projects...{{{{sigh}}}}

  5. That Hug-Me-Tight is too cute!Thanks for mentioning the gloves, I love the fingerless gloves pattern & I'm making more for
    K4BN - Jen.
