
Friday, 18 September 2015


Very, very, very long time between posts.  Sorry.
I thought I would try and see if I can get back to having my little say
Life has been busy with beautiful grandchildren to play with and lots of knitting for them :-)

So I will start with a few of the projects for them

My youngest granddaughter wearing a modified "Granny's Favourite" and "Suspension Bridge Booties" pattern made from the lovely, soft Bendigo Woollen Mills Milky Way

"Aussie Swing" made from an unknown cotton in my stash

I made this lovely "Aussie Swing" set for her when she was born.  Made from Bendigo Woollen Mills Luxury 4ply.  Obviously, she is a little big for it now :-)))

Have a wonderful day and I hope I'm back soon


  1. What a lovely surprise when I saw your post in my email Inbox! And yes it has been a while! Lol. Beautiful photos of your youngest granddaughter...what a cutie! And the knits you've made for her are also just as gorgeous!!!

  2. Thank you Maria. I'm enjoying your projects too
