and the next it had disappeared!!!!
The last post that is. Only found it had disappeared because I wanted to edit
What is going on ?????????????
It went something like this
Sorry for not posting so often
But the needles have been busy with lots and lots of projects
Knit 4 Charities this month has two I want to contribute to – Australian Inland Mission and Sydney Homeless Connect Day.
Plus a lot of challenges that I would love to contribute to, but just don’t know if I will get time. And nothing in the appropriate in the project drawer
Family and friends have had requests too – Yippee!!!
A selection of their projects below. More can be viewed on Ravelry – AussieMaria

48 hours notice for a gift for a special little girl’s 1st birthday
Pattern - is my mix of 1,001 patterns
Yarn – Bendigo Woollen Mills Classic 8ply Poseiden & Sequest

A request from SIL (a new motorcyclist) who feels the cold
Pattern – Snuggles by Drops Design
Yarn – Bendigo Woollen Mills Classic 8ply Raven

Two little supporters (6 months on left, 2 years on right) of a local League team for a friend of DD3
Pattern – Little Hoodlum
Yarn – Heirloom Easy Care 8ply Green, Bendigo Woollen Mills Classic 8ply Raven & Almond
The reason I love top-down knits – the one on the right was 5cm too short. Very quickly remedied 

And for hubby’s cousin’s little girl
Pattern – Twinkle
Yarn – Bendigo Woollen Mills Classic 8ply Celery
Bye for now
Fingers crossed it stays put